Essential Steps That Evaporative Cooling Service Should Focus on During Service

Evaporative cooling is an effective option for regions where air remains relatively hot but the humidity level is low. In dry climates, the overall running and installation cost of this cooling system is less than the refrigerating system. You can also make the use of vapor-compression cooling and evaporative cooling together for optimum performance.

Also, there are evaporative coolers that can be used as humidifiers during the summer season. It is important to service your evaporative air conditioner at least once a year so that it continues to function properly all year round. Hiring a professional evaporative cooling service will help you achieve that. However, the chosen company must follow certain servicing steps to ensure the best results, such as:

Clean Cooling Pads

Clogged cooling pads will reduce the productivity of this cooling system and would put unnecessary strain on its working mechanism. Therefore, the pads should be inspected carefully. They must be washed under running water so that dirt, grease, or accumulation of minerals from the water gets cleared. The system depends on the flow of air through the pads, so the pads need to be always clean for better airflow. The evaporative cooling service should do this first.   

Change Old or Defective Pads      

Using clean pads will enable the system to function in an effective way. Even if you clean the pads regularly, over time they would become clogged, which in turn, will restrict the airflow. The level of minerals and dust locally would impact the pads. Monitor the overall efficiency of your evaporative cooling system to help you determine when it is the perfect time to make a change. An experienced evaporative cooling service will act in the right direction if they feel the pads need to be changed immediately.           

Flushing and Draining the Reservoir

Usually, the water utilized for cooling is stored in a reservoir in the cooling unit. The reservoir might empty itself once the machine switches off. On the other hand, it would remain full in other systems. Clean and drain the reservoir regularly. The reservoir should be always kept clean, which will ensure it contains the correct quantity of water and flows easily. In case if the reservoir is damaged and needs immediate repair, a certified evaporative cooling service will do it most professionally.

Scraping Mineral Deposits

Water contains various minerals. Over time, it would leave some minerals in the cooling system in the form of a layer, which is called a scale. This scale can impact the output of the system, which supplies water to cooling pads. An evaporative cooling technician will use a proper steel wire brush and a small scraper to remove mineral deposits. Once the scale has been scraped away, the system will operate smoothly and efficiently.

Inspect the Belts, Switches, and Wiring

A trained evaporative cooling service technician will inspect the switches, belts, and wiring thoroughly to look out for any defects or faults. Notice any problem? Something which needs instant rectification, they will perform the necessary repair or might even install a new fixture.

Lubricating the Pump  

There will be a pump inside the system which helps water to flow from the reservoir to the pads. The pump should be lubricated on a regular basis to help it to function effectively. The technician will follow the instructions written in their manual for lubricating the pump. They would know the exact quantity to add.

An evaporative cooling service should follow the above-listed steps carefully; rest assured that your system will get serviced in the best way. Regular service by a skilled technician will go a long way in maintaining your evaporative cooling system for years to come. 


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