Keeping your time clock cards organized, safe and secure is a vital task. A time card rack provides a stable organization system that sorts your time cards and keeps them safe too. You will come across a variety of time card holder options that are metal constructed for durability with a powder coat paint finish that provides a long-lasting quality. You can pick from a wide range of colour options to match your business with black being the standard stock colour offering. You can also specify what size time clock cards are used to allow your cards to fit tightly into the cardholder.
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Time Card Rack |
Using a locking time card rack is great for applications where security for time clock cards is highly required. Key lock and keys are provided with each rack unit. An optional stainless steel time card holder also makes a good choice for outdoor or other extreme environments. So, keep your time cards or badges secure in a time card rack cabinet.
There is an extensive range of time card racks available on online stores that are of superior quality and available in a variety of sizes to fit almost any time card and one of them is Anthem Model 155H, 12 Pocket. This time card rack easily fits 5-1/2’’ H time cards or many Kanban cards easily. The pocket width and pocket depth are critical in determining which rack will fit your preferences so do pay attention to those details.
Some of the time card holders are used for daily time and job tickets, brochures, leaflets, Kanban cards etc. They are made up of cold-rolled steel, covers in a durable baked-on finish for years of duty and available in 13 colours to match the decor. These card racks are magnificent for your work-in-progress Kanban system. These card racks can be easily used with your already-designed rectangle Kanban cards as they come in a diverse variety of sizes. You can order different colours such as: red, green, yellow to meet your company’s individual Kanban requirements.
These physical time clock cards don’t break down like purely mechanical systems and they are easy to replicate too. Install the racks whenever you are in need of for easy, simple and quick access for your workforce working. Thin clock cards occupy little room so you can keep many of them in a small area for any emergency use.
Creates a Physical Record
Instead of just depending purely on electronic time record keeping, do trust these physical records to hold strong through energy outages and software faults. Physical cards are simple to store in files for quick reviewing and editing the times needs no complex software manipulation. You can even make copies of these physical cards with a scanner in a fraction of seconds.
Suitable Storage and Organization
A time card rack can be attached to a wall next to your time clock so that employees don’t have to search their cards when clocking in or out. Some of these rack options are customizable and can be simply changed to meet diverse sizes of cards, allowing you to change card systems without buying new storage racks. These racks keep a limited number of cards while allowing everyone to see who each particular card belongs to, making them ideal for small businesses with less number of employees.
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Time Card Rack |
By now you must be inclined to buy a time card rack which is easy for both new and old workers to learn a new system. You just need to focus on your work instead of worrying about the complicated usage of the software. Buy the right time card rack product at affordable prices from the reputed online store.
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