Vacationing In Your Dream Caravan

Caravans are homes for those who wish to travel and stay at a time and place of their living. A camper with a caravan is free to decide on the duration of stay or the route next to be taken. Depending on the intended use, one may choose the type of caravan to camp.

What to Look For In a Caravan:

  • Size of caravan: It depends on the number of people you plan to accommodate for the camp. More the number, it is better to opt for a bigger caravan.
  • Amenities: More the amenities, more the price. Most caravans have all the basic amenities you require. However, you may have your demands regarding number of beds and toilets, toilet type, type of bed in case you have back pain, ventilation, air condition and/or heating, cooking fuel, etc.
  • Towing: Depending on the type of caravan and the load it carries, you have to choose the towing vehicle. When you have a towing vehicle the driver remains cut off from the rest of the campers while the caravan is moving. However, you can use the vehicle to run errands when the caravan has pulled up for camping.
  • Capacity: Again, depending on the number of people and the duration of stay, you need to have appropriate back up of various things. You may also need to know where you can get your refills.
You usually rely on generators that run or diesel, or would be using solar power, but for a longer stay, you need to ensure you have backed up enough diesel or have a refill source within reach. Depending on the number of campers and the duration of camping, you need to refill your water storage. You would have to factor laundry needs if your duration is longer. Chemicals required for your bio toilet, disposal, etc., are matters to be considered. You may prefer to have a different types of food that what you have everyday at home. Stock and refill depending on the cuisine plan for a number of people in the caravan and the number of days.
Luxury Caravan

Basic Types of Caravans:

  • Towed caravans: These caravans have fixed walls, with all amenities, but will be towed by another vehicle.  You can detach vehicle from caravan and use vehicle to run errands.
  • Pop up vans: They are very compact and all amenities are arranged and packed into the van which is towed by another vehicle. You have to set up the camp before you can use it. You can detach vehicle from caravan and use it to run errands.
  • Camper vans: This camper is built right on the body of the van. It has fixed walls, but is not towed. You can begin camping when you pull up.  Big buses can also be converted into caravans.
Caravans can be classified into different types based on its intended use such as off road caravans meant for the bush campers, family caravans for those campers who camp at caravan parks, luxury caravans for the high end campers who prefer to enjoy their luxuries even when on the move, and custom caravans for those who insist on enjoying a living space customized to their tastes.

Caravans will have all amenities as in a house like kitchen, bedroom, toilet, living room, store room, laundry, etc. The stove may run either on portable LPG/butane/propane or on diesel-powered electric stoves. There would be options to barbecue as well as solar cookers to safe energy. Bedrooms may be a bit cramped and would not be swanky even in a luxury caravan compared to the one at home. Most of the amenities will be so accommodated such that the other side can be used for purpose like under the bed as a storage space, batteries under the counter top, water tank over ceiling, etc.


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